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Assistant Professor Dr. Mejrema Zatrić-Šahović Attends Getty Conservation Institute Training in LA, USA

Assistant Professor Dr. Mejrema Zatrić-Šahović from the IUS FENS Architecture study program completed a certified training focused on modern architecture in Los Angeles, USA. The training “International Course on the Conservation of Modern Heritage” was held between August 6 – 19, 2023 in hybrid online and on-site form at Getty Conservation Institute (GCI).  Getty is one of the most prestigious cultural and visual arts-focused research institutions in the US dedicated to the presentation, conservation and interpretation of the world’s artistic legacy. It comprises of Getty Foundation, J. Paul Getty Museum and Getty Research Institute and Getty Conservation Institute.

The in-person training was the finale of the ten weeks long online training that focused on all aspects of modern architecture conservation – from the cultural values and conceptual framework to historic concrete and sustainability issues. The in-person component consisted of lectures and demonstrations held both at the Getty center and off-site, as the training participants visited some of the most important 20th century architecture works in California, including Salk Institute by Louis Kahn, Hollyhock House by Frank Lloyd Wright (UNESCO World Heritage site since 2019), Eames House by Ray and Charles Eames and a range of Richard Neutra-designed villas.

The lecturers included Getty house staff, as well as key agents in the local historic preservation, such as Ken Bernstein, the Principal City Planner for the Los Angeles Department of City Planning and Adrian Scott Fine, the Senior Director of Advocacy for the Los Angeles Conservancy. The field trips were designed carefully, so that the participants could understand complex design history and preservation process (most often presented by the involved experts themselves) of the modern architecture masterpieces they visited.

One of the important advantages of the training was the professional and academic networking, as 26 training participants came from over 20 different countries and from five different continents. They included representatives of internationally renowned institutions in the field, such as the 20th Century Society (UK), National Park Service (US) and the Department of Culture and Tourism, Abu Dhabi (UAE). Dr. Zatrić was one of the nine university professors that attended the training.

The training culminated with the project focused on the production of the Conservation Management Plan for the Richard Neutra-designed Reunion House in Silverlake, Los Angeles, that the participants undertook in small groups-teams and discussed in the final presentation.